THEY might only be young but our favourite boy band The Wanted have gone all naughty on us.
Our Favourite boy band The Wanted have announced they want to bring out a range of sex toys. (Hmmm....)
The lads have been inspired by JLS's range of novelty condoms but want to go one naughtier.
Tom told the Daily Star: We were thinking of doing some sort of contraception pill or Viagra or something.
"We also discussed a sex toy, you know, like a cast of your own member or something.
"We think that would be a goer. Whose would be the most popular? Definitely not Nathan's - he's only 17."
The boys have also revealed that they are often on the receiving end of dirty messages from Twitter fans.
Jay revealed: "We get sent some proper smutty filth. The one I can which is no swearing is just three words. 'Get in me'
Max added: "We do get some hate mail as well though. We find it quite funny.''
"One letter was addressed to Nathan saying that he looked like Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. That was mint." THATS MEAN!
But I can pretty much confirm, Sex toys will not be making it on to the wanteds merch list!
After an Eager TW fan tweeted the wanteds manager (@Jaynecollinsmac) asking if they were making them Jaynes reply : ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Well atleast they are thinking about there fans..... :)
so common.....who's been tweeting jay 'get in me' quite a few of you im guessing! ;)
So TW Sex toys......
Interesting idea eh!?
But maybe not the best idea, some TW fans are pretty young and would buy anything TW related, not sure Our Mummies would be to impressed finding sex toys with The wanteds face's on it!?
I mean, theres alot more i can write on this article, but i dont want to be to rude! :)
Lots of kiddies out there!
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